Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lemon-Thyme Penne, a yummy meal for one

Back in December, Ross was in Nashville visiting Austin for a week (hi, Austin!), and I was busy studying for finals. Having grown weary of grilled cheese sandwiches and drive-thru dinners, I decided to whip up something delicious for myself. A lemon I bought at the grocery store became my inspiration, and this delicious and super-fast meal was born!

I decided to take pictures while I was cooking with my trusty old camera, which has been with me through thick and thin. You can read about its near-death experience, if you'd like. Luckily, it decided to behave for me that day so I've got some lovely pictures for you!

Here's the team:

  • 4 ounces dry penne (or whatever other pasta you've got lying around)
  • a wedge of lemon
  • parmigiano reggiano (i do not authorize any substitutes; buy the real thing!)
  • olive oil (it's way in the back!)
  • pepper
  • kosher salt
  • and thyme.
Here's how you do it:

First, bring some water to a boil. When it's rolling, dump in a handful of kosher salt, like so:

I'm serious about the salt. I mean an actual handful, here.

Next, throw in your pasta and cook it according to the package directions. If you're organized and efficient, you can grate a few tablespoons of parmigiano while the pasta is cooking. If you're Leah, you twiddle your thumbs.

When the pasta is finished, drain it and put it into a single-serving size bowl.

Next, add yourself some pepper...

And give the lemon wedge a good squeeze over the bowl...

And add a little drizzle of olive oil (maybe a teaspoon)...

And a tiny pinch of thyme.

Then, grate a few tablespoons of parmigiano right on top:

Mix it all up and scarf it down! And hopefully, you can enjoy your meal for one in a more relaxing and inviting setting than this one:



  1. That looks tasty! Must try. And, I like re-reading the tale of the demise of the Powershot, even though the resurrection of the Powershot is a much more moving tale. I think the true blame of the fateful night of the camera beer bath lies in the power of the sexy pose, that Ross and I were trying to desperately to capture. Which makes those last two shots even funnier.

  2. Do I want to know any more of this story?

  3. Lana, isn't it great?! And so disturbingly easy, too -- it's become a go-to meal for me. Glad I could share!
