Today, I thought we'd give you an update on how we're doing so far.
Leah's Resolutions
1. lose weight; fit into skinny (or even fat) jeans
Well, you'll be glad to know that I did, in fact, lose weight. It's just that I promptly gained it back again. And then lost it...and then gained it. I'm back on the wagon, though. And I did wear my fat jeans on Monday. (Notice I didn't say I was comfortable in them...)
2. post on the blog at least once per week
With the exception of spring break, I think I'm actually doing OK on this one! What say you, readers?
3. keep the bathroom cleaner
Um...I have been sweeping more, and really, that is the most important part in our bathroom. But the sink...well, let's not go there. Ditto the shower.
4. use reusable grocery bags
This resolution has been a raging success! We keep the reusable bags in the trunk of my car, and it's become second nature to pop the trunk and carry them into Wal-Mart whenever we go. However, we've been battling some entirely unforeseen issues, such as ignorant checkers (a) stuffing the bag as full as humanly possible, and/or (b) putting hamburger meat, lettuce greens, and shampoo in the same bag.
5. learn how to cook dry beans
FAIL! I did make lentil soup with dry lentils, but I didn't like it all that much. I think it was just a bum recipe. It didn't discourage me necessarily, we're just not big bean eaters. Exception: chili, but I've got that recipe exactly where I want it, and it calls for canned beans. Mmm. Chili. That's going on next week's meal plan.
Ross's Resolutions
1. read 24 books this year
Me: "Have you read six books so far?" Ross: "" He thinks he's read four, though, so he's not too far behind.
2. try at least one new food per month
Ross: "You were supposed to be helping me with that part." And that's true. Truthfully, I completely forgot about this resolution. Don't worry, though. He'll try two new foods a month until July! (Ross: "TWO?!" He doesn't seem happy about this!)
3. find a job
SUCCESS! He starts Tuesday!
4. take a vacation with my pretty wife (that's me!)
We did go to St. Louis over spring break, but we were accompanied by both of our moms. I don't think that counts. Now that Ross has found a job, though, we might be able to take a weekend trip after the bar exam. This one's in the works!
Overall, I'd say we're doing okay, except for that whole dieting thing. Oops! How are your resolutions going? Let us know in the comments! least we gave you the romantic bedroom loft. What more could you want?
ReplyDeleteHa, I love Vonda's comment! I would like to commend you on your posting! Good work! And I will help you bring new foods to Ross...I'm dying to go to the Korean buffet!
ReplyDeleteJust come to our house again. We're always trying new foods. We can be Ross's new food good influence.
ReplyDeleteHang in there with the reusable bags. It's worth it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I have to admit I laughed out loud at the beans resolution. You had me nodding along with losing weight, saving the environment, cleaning house, then - BAM - beans. I love it. Good luck with the beans in Q2.