Tuesday, March 2, 2010

seven things and seven blogs

I can't tell for sure, but I think Sara, my cousin-in-law, may have nominated me for something. I don't really know what it means, but I've been commissioned to tell you seven things about me and nominate seven blogs for awards. Do I make up these awards? Can it be anything I want?

I don't really know the rules, so I've decided to make up my own. First, I'll tell you seven (arguably) interesting things about myself that you may or may not know. Second, I'll tell you about seven blogs or websites I read regularly.

Here are seven things about me that you may not know:
  1. I've been in college for nine years. I'm currently working on my JD, which will be my third degree.
  2. My ears are not currently pierced, but they have been before -- twice.
  3. I love to cook, and I especially love to bake. I usually bake once a week on Tuesday or Wednesday nights, then I take the goodies to school the next day. Law school readers: come by the law review office on Wednesdays or Thursdays to claim some delicious loot. This Thursday I'm bring peach crunch cake. Except I'm leaving out the crunch.
  4. My husband and I don't remember when we met each other. When people ask us how we met, we really don't know what to say.
  5. I was a cheerleader in ninth and tenth grades. Those were years during which I lied to myself about who I was. 
  6. In eleventh grade, I joined a robotics team. That was the year I discovered my true nerdy personality. I love being a nerd.
  7. I plan meals every week. Am I a little type A? Yes. But I love knowing a full week in advance what we'll be eating for lunch and dinner. And it makes grocery shopping a lot less of a stressor. 
Now, for these "awards." I read a lot of blogs regularly, but here are seven blogs I think you should be following:

The Pioneer Woman @ http://www.thepioneerwoman.com. If you haven't heard of PW, I don't know what cave you've been living in, but you could turn it into a serene web detox resort for the tech addicted. I especially love PW's recipes and photo tutorials.

The Simple Dollar @ http://www.thesimpledollar.com. I started following this blog when I got interested in making my own laundry detergent. I don't use his recipe because it requires a 5-gallon bucket, and really, where am I going to store that?

The Resurgence Blog @ http://www.theresurgence.com/blog. This is a new one for me, but so far, I am enamored with the sensible, not-over-my-head theology posted here. This is an excellent "thinker" blog for those of you who like to use your brains.

musings of Mother Hood @ http://www.sarahmcow.com. My old friend Sarah blogs here, and boy is she a witty observationist and a talented writer. I love reading about her life adventures, and I often find myself nodding in agreement at the end of every post.

The Pilot's Wife @ http://www.thepilotswife.org. My old friend Emily blogs here, and boy is she a witty observationist and a talented writer. Wait, did I say that already? I have some talented friends! Emily's posts about raising her boy and being married to a daredevil pilot are hilarious and heartwarming. And she hosts a lot of giveaways, too!

Joy the Baker @ http://www.joythebaker.com. I recently discovered this blog, written by a young baker in Los Angeles. Oh my gosh, do I envy her life! How great would it be to bake all day long, taking pictures all the while, then write about your baking?! My dream realized.

Cake Wrecks @ http://www.cakewrecks.com. Like the Pioneer Woman, if you haven't heard about Cake Wrecks, then I don't know where you've been. This blog is devoted to finding cakes made by professional bakers that are, well...a few eggs shy of a dozen. My favorite wreck? This one. But they're all pretty funny.

Hope you learned something new today. Sara, thanks for the shout-out.


  1. I nominated you for the beautiful blogger award. You need to copy the badge and put it in your blog. Go back and reread my blog. :) Oh yeah... and it's okay for Molly to call you Aunt and Uncle. Sara

  2. Well color me flattered! Thanks man. I can't emphasize enough how seriously I take that kind of praise from an intellectual such as yourself :) You're the best. I like to keep people around that generally agree with me - so you're safe :)

    And as for your seven things? Well done. A few really had me making that scrunched up "hmm?" face.
    re:#4. You have the perfect opportunity to make up something completely brilliant. I challenge you guys to do this. And report back.
    re:#7. I am floored. Who plans food a week in advance?? Soccer Moms - that's who. You are lightyears ahead of yourself, girlie. Give yourself a chance to say things like, "doesn't Thai sound good tonight?" or "mmm, I need a Frito Burrito. Like, now." You'll thank me.

    Good "catching up" with you. Hope you're well.

  3. Sarah, re:#7, I know. I feel a little like Robin Miller, that wretched perfect suburban housewife who does the quick-fix meal show on Food Network. And yet...I can't help myself. I LOVE to plan. And I LOVE to make lists. Meal plan + shopping list. It's the perfect marriage of both!

    But, you'll be glad to know that we often don't stick to the list. For example, today I had Chick-fil-a for lunch instead of the Lean Cuisine on the meal plan.

    All is still right with the world.

  4. Ok...we're coming to visit and you're baking for us. No arguing...it's just going to happen. Diet be damned.

    Actually I think we really are planning on coming up soon, we haven't both been up to NWA in quite a while to visit fam and friends. We'll all have to get together for yet more fun.

  5. Leah...Just let me say that I too would nominate you for the beautiful blogger award - not to mention the beautiful daughter award. You're great and I love you.

  6. Oh...and Happy Birthday tomorrow!

  7. Thank you friend! Most days I look at my stats and can't believe anyone other than my mom visits. But I love this silly little hobby so much.

    Also, I'm so happy that tomorrow is March Fourth. Makes me happy every year. :)

  8. Did you know that when you move to Tulsa you'll be only an hour or so away from The Pioneer Woman's ranch? Maybe we can visit and she'll cook us delicious food. I'm starting to see a trend that many of my comments have to do with food.
