Friday, July 8, 2011

the house hunt

For my first-in-a-long-time update, I thought I might clue you in to the biggest adventure in our lives right hunting.

We've decided we're finally over renting. I personally have decided that I never, ever, ever, ever again want to share a wall with a non-family-member. We've been scraping together a down payment for the last several months, and a few weeks ago, we finally called up a realtor and asked her to help us find our first house.

There have been several candidates so far, but I don't think we're close to making any offers. We have a lot of pretty specific requirements. I want a gas cooktop. Ross needs a non-master bedroom on the ground floor to haul heavy equipment in and out of the house two or three times a week. My small kitchen appliances are red, and I don't want the cabinets or floors to clash. Also frustrating: $150,000 doesn't go very far in Jenks, where we're looking to buy, but move one or two more miles south, and it buys a mansion on several acres. So frustrating!

Here are some houses we're thinking of taking a look at in the next couple of weeks. Advice and suggestions are always welcome!

House #1

House #2

House #3

At least we have a lot of options!